Xtreme Clean

How to use Xtreme Clean

Formulated with the latest technology ingredients to be the toughest crud-buster ever. The special chelating agents attack road grime, bug bits, bird deposits, greasy smears and more, breaking the bond that holds them to the surface so they can be wiped away without heavy scrubbing.

1. Spray

Spray area to be treated

2. Spread

Use a sponge, brush or cloth to spread Ultimate Xtreme Clean evenly.

3. Wait

Allow to work in for 15-30 seconds before lightly wiping or brushing.

4. Rinse

Rinse with fresh or salt water.

5. Repeat

Stubborn stains may require a repeat application that is allowed to soak in for about a minute followed by lightly scrubbing and then rinsing clean.

Xtreme Clean

Use During Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Use On Aluminium, Fiberglass, Metal, Plastic, Vinyl

Treats: Dirt, Grime, Blood, Grease

Xtreme Clean

Xtreme Clean Pro Tips

Bobby Lane
Bobby LaneProfessional Bass Fisherman
Tough Stains? No Problem! Xtreme Clean tackles the stubborn stains on my boat effortlessly. It's like a magic eraser for grime. My boat always looks brand new!
Rick Murphy
Rick MurphyTelevision Host
Xtreme Clean isn't picky. Use it on boats, RVs, patio furniture—you name it. It's safe on most surfaces, but always spot test first. Your all-in-one cleaner for a sparkling clean adventure!
Hilary Martin
Hilary MartinProfessional Bass Fisherman
Xtreme Clean is a kayak's best friend. Apply it generously, let it sit, and watch years of grime vanish. Focus on scupper holes and handles for a thorough clean. Your kayak will look brand new!


2-Butoxyethanol, tetrasodium Edta, Water


Before treating entire area, test this product on a small inconsipiuous area of delicat surfaces (fabrics, decals, boot stipe tape, painted areas) or where it may drip. If adverse reaction occurs, do not use on that surface. Some inferior quality decals or painted strips may be discolored.


Star brite's liability is limited to the purchase price of this product.