Spider Away – Spider Repellent

How to use Spider Away

Chases spiders and pests away without killing them. Spiders will not return to their nests and eggs once you apply Spider Away.

1. Prep

First, clean the surfaces with Star brite® Spider & Bird Stain Remover. This product will safely and quickly remove annoying spider droppings.

2. Wait

Wait until the area to be treated is clean and dry.

3. Shake

Shake Spider Away well

4. Treat

Spray all the exposed surfaces, making sure to get into cracks and seams.

5. Inspect

Inspect area periodically to make sure spiders have not returned. Reapply as necessary.

Spider Away

Use During Spring, Summer, Fall

Use On Fabric, Metal, Plastic, Vinyl, Wood, Painted Surfaces, Glass

Treats: Spiders, Pests

Spider Away Pro Tips

Hilary Martin
Hilary MartinProfessional Bass Fisherman
I HATE spiders! I use Spider Away around all of my doors/windows as well as around the garage! I use it every 3 months to make sure the spiders don't come around!
Shaw Grigsby
Shaw GrigsbyProfessional Bass Fisherman
Living near the woods, spiders were a constant nuisance. Spider Away changed that. Now, my home feels spider-free, and I can relax without worrying about eight-legged intruders.
Josh Williams
Josh WilliamsProfessional NASCAR Driver
I sprayed Spider Away in my garage, and within days, all of the webs vanished. It's been weeks, and still, no sign of spiders. I couldn't be happier with the results. Highly recommended!


Peppermint oil, vinegar, water, soap.


Do not spray on plants and foliage. Do not use on food and feed commodities. Do not mix with other chemicals. Do not get in eyes. Do not breathe fumes, mists, or sprays. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash hands thoroughly after use.


Star brite's liability is limited to the purchase price of this product.