Instafresh Holding Tank Treatment

How to use Instafresh Holding Tank Treatment

Controls holding tank odors and gassing. It also keeps holding tank walls and drain lines free from debris while lubricants prevent drain valves from sticking.

1. Holding Tank Systems

Black Water

  • Use 1 fl. Oz. for each 5 gallons of tank capacity.
  • Pour through toilet into holding tank.
  • Add 1 gallon of water.


Grey Water

  • Use 1 fl. Oz. for each 10 gallons of tank capacity.
  • Pour through shower or sink drain.
  • Add 1 gallon of water.

2. Recirculation Toilets

Pour 8 fl. Oz. into initial water charge.

3. Portable Toilets

Pour 4 fl. Oz. into waste holding tank with enough fresh water to cover tank bottom.

4. Note

Hot weather and long retention times may require additional treatment.

Instafresh Holding Tank Treatment

Use During Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Use On Holding Tank Systems

Treats: Foul Odors, Waste

Instafresh Holding Tank Treatment Pro Tips

Scott Martin
Scott Martin Professional Bass Fisherman
Instafresh is the secret to odor-free tanks. Drop the recommended amount, and say goodbye to unpleasant surprises. It's like a breath mint for your RV – fresh and worry-free!
Shaw Grigsby
Shaw Grigsby Professional Bass Fisherman
For stress-free RVing, use Instafresh. It's compact, easy to use, and tackles tank odors head-on. A must for every trip – because a fresh RV is a happy RV!
Kevin McCabe
Kevin McCabe Television Host
Instafresh turned my nose-wrinkling tank moments into a thing of the past. Drop it in, and foul odors vanish. It's the easiest way to keep your RV smelling as good as it looks!


N-Alkyl-(C12-C18)-N-benzyl-N, N-dimethylammonium chloride, Isopropyl alcohol


Do not breathe mist or vapor. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face Prevention. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid release to the environment.


Star brite's liability is limited to the purchase price of this product.