Marine Descaling Fluid

How to use Marine Descaling Fluid

Designed to safely and quickly remove scale, calcium deposits, corrosion, salt and carbon buildup in your raw water cooled systems. These deposits can cause your engine to run hot or result in AC system inefficiencies by restricting water flow through the cooling jackets, tubes and heat exchangers.

1. Isolate

Isolate and drain system to be descaled, making sure no raw water can be introduced during the process. Disable compressor or chiller to prevent operation during descaling. Flush system with fresh water to remove any remaining sea water prior to beginning.

2. Fill

Fill system with the required amount* of ready- to-use Descaling Fluid. Set up a recirculating system with a suitable pump in which both inputs and outputs feed/drain solution from a container or bucket (If unable to use a pump, you may also allow product to soak within the system for 4-8 hours). DO NOT seal the system off, as gassing will occur during the process and excess pressure may cause damage.

3. Drain

Drain solution from system and dispose in accordance with local, state and federal laws.

4. Flush

Flush system with fresh water to remove any remaining descaling fluid, and then reassemble properly. It is recommended to replace all sacrificial anodes at this time.

5. For Soaking

Fully submerge equipment in solution for 4-8 hours, or until scale has dissolved. Rinse with fresh water.

Marine Descaling Fluid

Use During Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Use On Motors

Treats: Scale, Calcium Deposits, Corrosion, Salt Buildup

Marine Descaling Fluid Pro Tips

Gregg Rapp
Gregg RappSaltwater Professional
In addition to inboard engines, outboard motors can also benefit from descaling. Mix Marine Descaling Fluid with water according to instructions. Use a flushing attachment to circulate the solution through the outboard motor's cooling system. Run the engine briefly to break down scale deposits, ensuring smooth operation and preventing overheating.
Scott Goodwin
Scott GoodwinStar Brite Academy
Monthly tip: Run a solution of Marine Descaling Fluid through your system. Prevents scale buildup, ensures smooth sailing. A little care goes a long way!
Ali Hussainy
Ali HussainyTelevision Host
Got stubborn scale buildup on your marine equipment? Fill a bucket with Marine Descaling Fluid, soak the parts overnight. By morning, they'll be scale-free, ready to shine!


water, phosphoric acid and isopropy alcohol.


CORROSIVE. CAUSES IRRITATION OR BURNS TO SKIN, EYES, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. MAY BE HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. Contains: Water and Phosphoric Acid. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Avoid breathing vapors or mists. Do not taste or swallow. Wash thoroughly after handling.


Star brite's liability is limited to the purchase price of this product.