Snap & Zipper Lubricant

How to use Snap & Zipper Lubricant

Keeps snaps and zippers working properly on boat enclosures, vinyl cushions, boat covers and more.

1. For Snaps - Press and Apply

Press tube nozzle into snap and apply a small amount of lubricant to all areas of contact.

2. For Snaps - Push, Pull, & Wipe

Push snap together and pull apart several times. Wipe off any excess lubricant.

3. For Zippers - Close and Apply

Open and close zipper several times to distribute product evenly.

4. For Zippers - Wipe

Off any excess lubricant.

5. Note - For Both Snaps & Zippers

One application lasts for months. Re-apply at the first sign of increased friction or binding.

Snap & Zipper Lubricant

Use During Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Use On Metal, Plastic

Treats: Corrosion

Snap & Zipper Lubricant Pro Tips

Jimmy Lee Armel
Jimmy Lee ArmelProfessional Captain
Snap & Zipper Lubricant is a game-changer for my gear. Zippers glide effortlessly, no more tugging or sticking. It's like magic for outdoor enthusiasts. A must-have for hassle-free adventures!
Shaw Grigsby
Shaw GrigsbyProfessional Bass Fisherman
Outdoor gear taking a beating? Snap & Zipper Lubricant is the rescue. It extends zipper life and keeps them running smoothly. A small application, big protection.
Kevin McCabe
Kevin McCabeTelevision Host
Facing the elements? This lubricant is your gear's shield. It fights rust, corrosion, and keeps zippers moving. A tiny investment for gear that lasts. Snap & Zipper Lubricant – because your adventures deserve the best!


Snap & Zipper Lubricant is formulated with white mineral oil.


This product contains white mineral oil and is not considered toxic.


Star brite's liability is limited to the purchase price of this product.